The main thing to keep in mind when funding your company is to partner with the right people. The money should be secondary to the expertise, skill, and enthusiasm that your investors bring to the table. When building a business, it’s important to not limit yourself to your own knowledge. Not only will partnering with quality investors help fund your startup for your next stage of growth, but it will also equip you with knowledge, guidance, and support.
Having founded multiple tech companies and embarking on a new adventure with Bunking has taught me a thing or two about choosing the perfect set of investors to back my businesses and I’m super excited to share my takeaways with the first being the power of curiosity.
Curiosity is Key
When I’m seeking investments, I want to make sure I’m partnering with investors that are curious. I want them to come to the table with tons of questions and ideas because I want to make sure they’re passionate about the business and willing to learn the ins and outs of the entire model. If your investor or team of investors have an in-depth understanding of the business you’re trying to scale, it means they believe in what you’re doing. When you build a network of believers, you’re also beginning to build out a solid support system of loyal advocates.
It’s all About Timing
Life is all about timing and partnering with the perfect investor is no exception. When seeking investments for your tech startup, it’s important to take the timing of your round into consideration. Picking the right investor at the right time during the right cycle is imperative.
Strive for Alignment
There’s nothing worse than taking money from an investor or team of investors that aren’t aligned. Making sure there’s complete alignment between you and your investors is imperative and must be clarified before you enter into an agreement. There are always going to be hurdles to overcome in business and it’s much easier to work through the problems when your investors are onboard and clear on your vision.
Angels are Important
As an entrepreneur, you have to take all of your funding options into consideration so you can make an informed decision on what option suits your business best. For me personally, I’m looking for Angel Investors that have an extreme passion for the industry I’m trying to disrupt. It’s extremely important for me to partner with investors that support the idea, and the team of entrepreneurs behind the business.
We’re up to Something Exciting and we Want you to Part of it!
Bunking will be a revolutionary platform that will change the way people interact and experience new things. We are presently in stealth mode, designing an extraordinary platform through design thinking that will redefine coliving to create more meaningful human connections.
We are currently fundraising and can’t wait to get in touch! If this interests you, please head over to our investor portal to contact us. If you’re interested in learning more about Bunking, subscribe to be the first to know about our launch. Alternatively, you can connect with me on LinkedIn to talk about all things funding and Bunking!
Come Along for the Ride
One of the most important elements of coliving is community and we want to bring the fundamental element of coliving to the forefront of our business by engaging our community. We want people like you that believe in what we’re doing to be able to get involved, invest, and be part of our mission. When the time is right, we plan to leverage platforms like FrontFundr or Kickstarter to run a crowdfunding campaign that makes it possible for people who believe in our business to become an owner. Stay tuned for updates!